Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recipe for Crêpes

You have all seen Yuan Chen's fabulous video of our Crêpes session! 
Now here is the recipe for about 15 crêpes:

Fun stuff!

  • 250 g of flour [approx. half a pound]
  • 4 whole eggs (beaten)
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 60 g de butter «melted» [2 ounces]
  • 50 cl of milk (1/2 liter)
  • 30 g of sugar for sweet recipes [1 ounce]

Making the Batter

1) Soften the butter in a small bowl if its at room temperature. Or melt the butter a little to better mix it into the batter later.
2) In a large mixing bowl, add the flour and push it to the sides to create a hole in the middle. Then add the salt, beaten eggs, and as you mix add the milk and finally the melted butter.
3) Let the mixture sit while you heat a large plan frying pan.

Making the Crêpes

1) Lightly grease the pan with butter while its still heating. Careful not to add too much!
This one was to die for: brigadeiro, bananas and walnuts
2) Once the pan is very hot, add about one full ladle of batter and make sure it covers the entire pan.
3) Test the sides with a spatula and if it comes off easily, its ready to flip or fold in half.
4) Once folded in half, add the sweet or salty filling of your choice then fold the crêpe twice more until it looks like a pizza slice.
5) Flip it over once more to make sure the filling melts and heats.

Ready to eat! Cover it with a sauce or powdered sugar, toppings can be anything you like! Enjoy!
We had some adrenaline going on too :D
All hail the blueberries
No left overs this time

All photos by  Magdalena A. Szymaniec


Video awesomely taken and edited by Yuan Chen:


Monday, September 13, 2010

Brigadeiros [First Meeting]

Hello folks!

So here we are with our first post. We had our first meeting last Saturday and quite a few of us managed to come on such a wonderful day. We took our time to present ourselves, talk about our cooking experiences and preferences, reaching the conclusion we're all here to share all we know about cooking and eating :D

Our first recipe was Brigadeiros, a very simple-three-ingredients-super-yummy one, and here follows the recipe.

All you need is:

  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa power
  • Don't stop stirring!
  • lots of chocolate sprinkles :D
Mix the condensed milk, butter and cocoa powder in a pan and bring it to the oven at medium temperature (no need to pre-heat this one), and stir. Stirring for this recipe is for a long time, you may need a second person there to take turns with you if you get tired of it. Make sure you do this in rapid movements and non stop, reaching every corner, bottom and sides of the pan so it doesn't burn (that's very easy to happen if you don't stir it properly). The condensed milk heating process goes like this: it's kinda hard as it's still cool, goes a little more liquid like as it heats up, begin to boil (CAREFUL HERE: make sure your spoon is long enough so you don't burn yourself with the bubbles popping at this stage) and then it hardens as the sugar in it caramelizes with the other ingredients. And that's when you know it's ready! Usually you can see the bottom of the pan when it's hard enough (this usually takes from 10 to 20 min after it starts boiling). 
Yummy Brigadeiros
After this you take your pan and let it cool down. You can spread all the hot-chocolate-melted-fudge-looking mix on a baking tray or any other clean surface so it cools down faster. After it's cool, you can now get some butter, rub it in the palm of your hands so you can roll small portions of your mix without it sticking to your hands. So you roll them in your hands first and gently roll them on the chocolate sprinkles. They should get a nice and homogenic layer of the sprinkles for a nice presentation of them.

Some more fun pics of us, all by Mariana Greif:

And that was it for our first session. Result? A bunch of sticky hands a smily faces :D

Bon Appetit!